If you would like more information or if you would like to book a session kindly feel free to contact me by email at cheryl@bsrgroningen.nl or cherylbrennon@gmail.com or by WhatsApp 0616033530 and I will get back to you as soon as I can.
Contact Details
Practitioner: Cheryl Brennon
Practice Groningen: Gezondheidscentrum Oosterpark, Gorechtkade 2, Room 223, 9713CA, Groningen
Cell: 0647714005
Email: cheryl@bsrgroningen.nl
VAT ID: NL002506742B43
KVK: 74252275
All bookings are by appointment only and this can be done simply by calling us, or sending us a message via WhatsApp/text or email.
€75 – Intake / first appointment (incl. Treatment)
€65 – Follow-up sessions
€50 – Children up to 12 years
€80 - Outside practice hours
Mentioned prices are exempt from VAT.
Payment method: Cash or PIN after the treatment. The receipt will be sent to you by email for declaration to the health insurer.​
Opening hours​
Monday - 9h00 - 18h00
Tuesday - 9h00 - 18h00
Wednesday 9h00 - 13h00
Thursday - 9h00 - 18h00
Friday - 9h00 - 17h00
Saturday and Sunday - Closed
The practitioner is affiliated with the Body Stress Release Association Netherlands (BSRAN), CAT Reimbursable, and possesses MBK according to Plato standards.
Treatment information - health insurers
Treatment: Body-oriented therapy
Performance code: 24608 Body Stress Release
CAT reimbursable - health insurers
Some insurance companies (partially) reimburse the BSR sessions, provided you have additional insurance. We advise you to check this with your health insurer in advance. According to our information, the following health insurers will reimburse BSR in 2024:
Aevitae (from level 3)
De Christelijke zorgverzekeraar (from mediumpolis)
De Friesland (from AV Standaardpolis)
FBTO (only partial reimbursement if the customer had the 'Alternative Medicine' module activated in 2020)
Menzis (from Extra Verzorgd 2)
Zilveren Kruis (from Aanvullend twee sterren).
Please note: The above information has been compiled carefully, but no rights can be derived from it. Interim (unannounced) changes due to insurance are unfortunately always possible.
Complaints procedure
As a CAT therapist, I operate within the legal framework of the Wkkgz complaint law and disciplinary law. This means that any complaints or disputes regarding my practice are handled by the Disputes Body for Alternative Therapists (GAT), a nationally recognized and fully independent committee established under the Wkkgz. If you would like more information about the procedure for filing complaints, please visit https://gatgeschillen.nl/.
I adhere to the guidelines outlined in the GAT professional code as a CAT therapist. For further details on the professional code, you can refer to https://gatgeschillen.nl/beroepscode/.
Professional Organisation - BSRAN
The Body Stress Release Association Netherlands (BSRAN) is the official professional association of all BSR practitioners established in the Netherlands. The BSRAN is part of the worldwide professional association BSRA. The BSRAN guarantees the quality, professionalism and continuity of Body Stress Release as a preventive and supportive technique, to promote optimal health (self-recovery) of every person (and mammal), in order to live to the fullest potential.
The BSRAN is notarised and is registered at the Chamber of Commerce Northern Netherlands under number 02072079.