Do you feel stressed?
Do you lack energy and vitality?
Do you suffer from pain and discomfort?
Body Stress is a powerful factor in our lives and can undermine our health and well-being in many ways. Every day we are exposed to different types of stress: mechanical – such as injury, strain or bad posture, chemical – such as air pollution and food additives, and mental and emotional stress. Body Stress Release prompts the body to release stored tension and heal itself.
Please Note
Body Stress Release is not considered a diagnosis or treatment of any condition. It is simply assisting with locating and releasing stored tension from the muscles.

"Since visiting Cheryl (BSR), I have been amazed at the improvement in my aches and pains. Since having BSR sessions with Cheryl, I no longer suffer with heartburn, which I have suffered from for a very long time, and my lower back pain eased tremendously. The pain on the left side of my back below the shoulder blade, which pain referred through to the front of my body below my heart, had me very worried. This pain has disappeared completely with Cheryl’s sessions. I have a bone on bone left knee. That has also eased with Cheryl’s sessions."
— Mickey, Retired
"A friend recommended BSR to me to help with my painful ankle that never fully recovered from an operation. My skepticism was immediately challenged and then eventually overcome by BSR's undeniable effect on my ankle and overall body. I can't tell you how it works, but it definitely does. It alleviated my pain."
— David Oyelowo, Actor
I am a business owner, and stress is a constant part of my life. When my good health started to take strain, I experienced excruciating neck pain that would not go away. After trying painkillers, I realized I needed a more permanent solution. Body Stress Release was a surprisingly gentle approach, but the effects were dramatic and so effective. No more pain meds, and the effects were immediate, but I do go for maintenance sessions once a month, as I know my external stress is ongoing.
— Peter, Company Director
I I was an active tennis player all my life and 5 years ago I was totally incapacitated by chronic pain in my neck, shoulders and legs with pins and needles going down my arms and legs. I also suffered with headaches. Body Stress Release has been a life changing experience for me as I can now manage my day with little or no pain at all. I have so much more energy and my mind is so much clearer. I go on average every 6 weeks for a follow up session and that makes the world of difference to my life.
— Carol, Retired